Java Convert Number of Milliseconds to Nanoseconds

Tags: Java Duration Java 8

In this Java tutorial we learn how to convert a number of milliseconds to nanoseconds using the java.time.Duration class in Java programming language.

How to convert number of milliseconds to nanoseconds in Java

In Java, with a given number of milliseconds we can use the Duration.toNanos() method to convert it to nanoseconds value as the following Java program.

import java.time.Duration;

public class ConvertMillisecondsToNanosecondsExample {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        long numberOfMilliseconds = 1;

        // Convert Number of Milliseconds to Nanoseconds
        long numberOfNanoseconds = Duration.ofMillis(numberOfMilliseconds).toNanos();

        System.out.println("Number of milliseconds: " + numberOfMilliseconds);
        System.out.println("Number of nanoseconds: " + numberOfNanoseconds);
The output as below.
Number of milliseconds: 1
Number of nanoseconds: 1000000

Happy Coding 😊

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