Java SHA-1 Hashing String

Tags: SHA-1 SHAUtils

In this Java tutorial, we learn how to use the SHA-1 hashing algorithm to hash a String value in Java programming language.

How to use SHA-1 algorithm to hash String in Java

At this first step we create a new Java class named SHAUtils.

In this utility class, implement a new static method named sha1(String inputText) to use the SHA-1 algorithm to hash an input String into byte array, and then convert the byte array to hex String as the Java code below.

import java.math.BigInteger;

public class SHAUtils {

     * This method use SHA-1 algorithm to hash a String.
     * @param inputText input text
     * @return hashed text
    public static String sha1(String inputText) {
        try {
            MessageDigest messageDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1");
            byte[] hashedData = messageDigest.digest();
            // convert byte array to hex String
            BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(1, hashedData);
            String hashedText = bigInteger.toString(16);
            return hashedText;
        } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {

        return null;

In the following example Java code, we learn how to use the above SHAUtils.sha1() method to hash a String using SHA-1 algorithm in Java program.

public class SHA1Example {
    public static void main(String... args) {
        String inputText = "Simple Solution";

        // Hash a String using SHA-a algorithm
        String hashedText = SHAUtils.sha1(inputText);

        System.out.println("Input text: " + inputText);
        System.out.println("SHA-1 hashed text: " + hashedText);
The output as below.
Input text: Simple Solution
SHA-1 hashed text: 23921d0724f0388c797b1383c39a6eaea5c134e6

Happy Coding 😊

Java MD5 Hashing String

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